L I S A & L L O Y D G R A S E R - 6 0 8 . 6 5 5 . 1 9 4 2 - M A R S H A L L , WI
The burning question on everyone's minds may be... Why Pomeranians???
As many of you may NOT know, my husband, Lloyd, finished many Pomeranians during his time as a Professional Handler, including multiple group placements. He even bred a few litters! He is also an AKC licensed judge for the Herding Group AND Pomeranians.
Shortly after we were married we were presented with a beautiful Orange Pomeranian from our dear friends Alden's Pomeranians. We went on to finish his Championship making him "Ch Kirby" in short order, even going BB from the Classes over the #1 Pomeranian in the country at that time!

Ch Alden's Star Of Blue Heaven
"Kirby" on the way to his Championship

Ch Alden's Star Of Blue Heaven
"Kirby" at 11 weeks of age
We are always looking for a challenge, and in 2012 one presented itself. Lloyd and I were invited to South Korea. Lloyd to Judge the Pomeranian National Specialty and Lloyd and Lisa to judge the first Sheltie Nationals. The first Pomeranian class that entered the ring under Lloyd was a class of 4 Stunning WHITE pomeranians.. I almost fell over.. they were so breathtaking. I have never truly seen a WHITE Pomeranian.. Many here in the USA claim they have WHITE pomeranians when in fact they are light creams. We made that trip with NO intention of bringing a dog home... but indeed we did...... we brought home a beautiful 5 month old white girl and now we are hooked on this breed and color and the GREAT challenge to breed TRULY QUALITY WHITE POMERANIANS.

AM Ch Helena of Lin Chi Tien
"Bling " at 5 months old
She finished with 4 majors.

AM Ch Helena of Lin Chi Tien
Kor CH BIS Adrien of Lin Chi Tien "Candy" x Filia of Lin Chi Tien
6+ generations of PURE WHITE BREEDING
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