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 Misty, Brandy, & Tasha

Although these three wonderful dogs are now gone from this earth they will never be forgotten in my heart.

 Each in their own way is the foundation and inspiration behind Blue Heavens Shelties

Till we meet again Oh Sweet Souls



Welcome to "Blue Heaven Shelties"  Pictured above are our first three Shelties. We'd like to tell you about each one.


"MISTY" - U-CD Starhavens Foxy Blue Lady CDX  

Born:  December 2, 1990 -  May 7, 2004

"Misty" was  my foundation bitch.    She has left us now, but will never leave our hearts..  Although she only produced two litters, one of her daughters, "Whitney"(Blue Heavens First Tri), has been extremely influential in my breeding program. 

"Misty" holds a special place in my heart, as she will always be the Foundation  dam behind "Blue Heaven Shelties". She was sired by Banchory Silver Spotlight ROM. See her pedigree.


Her passing leaves a huge whole in my heart. With her loss she takes a piece of me with her. Till we meet again oh sweet Misty- you live on in almost all the faces I see here every day. And I Will NEVER forget you sweet, beautiful one.




Born: December 5,1988 - December 28, 2002


We lovingly referred to "Brandy" as our 'token sable'.

In 1991 I received a call from the local Humane Society. They told me they had a very abused neglected Sheltie they were unable to place because of temperament problems.
"Brandy" had severe Pneumonia, had never seen the inside of a house, and was a 'fear biter'.  He stood 15" tall and weighed 12 pounds when we brought him home.   Our intentions were to get him healthy again, socialize and housetrain him, and then place him in a loving home.  Well, needless to say that was in 1991 and he was with us till his death at age 14. He was as healthy as a horse to the very end. Suffering a stroke during the night and passing away 12 short hours later in his sleep .

We will miss him dearly especially my son Jordan. He was a total house dog and our protector. He would lay down his life for his family members and especially for Jordan. He slept in Jordans room or in front of our bedroom door facing Jordans room so he always had his sights on him. We loved him and will miss him dearly. Rest in peace "Dunner man". Whose tail never stopped wagging even at the bitter end. It would wag all day long when he was good, when he was in trouble, when he was being groomed when he was having his teeth scraped . Always it wagged!!

Now you are at Rainbow Bridge with Tasha and Misty and you can hear again and you and Tasha  and Misty can play ball  without any pain like in your younger days.


"TASHA"- U-CDX Galafray Three O'CLock Tasha CDX CGC
October 1, 1989 - April 16, 1996 

There are not enough words to express, nor pages enough to write my feelings about this truly 'once in a lifetime' special girl.  This is one dog I will never forget, nor who's death I will ever stop grieving over.  "Tasha" was my first Sheltie, and the inspiration and namesake behind "Blue Heaven Shelties"

I had never seen, nor even heard of a 'blue merle' colored Sheltie.  I went to see her litter with every intention of coming home with her Tri sister but as the little tri girl sat across the room and stared at me, this large, over exuberant ball of blue fur climbed into my lap and stared up into my face as she licked me to death!  I fell in love, and was hooked on 'blue merles' /AOAC's forever!

Unfortunately, I have no children of Tasha's since she went oversize and was spayed.   But she made me fall madly in love with the Sheltie breed.

I took her to obedience class only with the intentions of teaching her some basic commands. She had a great temperament, was a quick learner and her only goal in life was to please.  The instructor felt she was so good that I should be showing her in obedience competitively.  There started my beginning in the 'show world'. 
Tasha taught me so very much and gave me the 'bug' for the show ring.  She was trained and competing in the Utility ring at the time of her  young tragic death of kidney failure.  I have not had the 'heart' to step back into the obedience ring since then

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